
What’s your New Year’s Piano Practice Resolution for 2022?

Sunday, January 2, 2022 by Anita Byers | Music Apps, Practice, Assignments

Happy New Year!  As we begin the 2nd piano semester my thoughts turn to New Year's resolutions and new beginnings.  I'm also planning our Spring Recital which is always held on the first Sunday in May (save the date now - May 1). The first Music Festival for solos and ensembles in 2 years will be on April 9. (Nevada Music Festival).  These events seem like a long way in the future, but before you know it they will be here.  

In order for the students to be prepared for these events, I think it is important to think about practice.  What changes can be made at home to help these young pianists get some consistent practice time in?  

I think there are two things to think about:  1.  Finding time in each day (or at least 4-5 days) in the week to sit down at the piano.  2.  How to use the tools I've given them to help their practice time be more efficient by using the Tonara app.

Make piano a priority by planning time for practice. If it is possible try to block off a short amount of time each morning for practice.  If mornings won't work, make time for piano in the afternoon right after school.  Make a piano practice schedule and try sticking to it.  The more time spent playing during the week equals more progress--the more progress means they will want to spend more time playing.  It's just that simple!

The second item is logging in to Tonara and checking the assignment directions, watching the tutorial videos that I've made, listening to performance recordings of their piece and checking messages that I've sent. The students that do this consistently are the students who are prepared each week and are making wonderful progress.  I hope you will take full advantage of this wonderful resource. 

A couple of years ago, I challenged my students to 100 consecutive days of practice.  I was amazed at how many completed that task. I did not put a time amount, they just had to sit down and play even if they only had 5 minutes.  They developed a practice habit that carried them through the 100 days. Beginning this week, we will be discussing how each student can plan their practice for the week and also how important using the Tonara app during their practice is to their piano success.  

I'm looking forward to 2022! I hope you will help your child make some great practice resolutions in the new year.